Thursday, December 6, 2007

Answer to my Question Earlier

I asked earlier how one knows if a feeling is "true love". The best way to know is to have it taken away from you. Losing your best friend is like losing a part of your body. It hurts. The pain is real. You cry, you can't eat, you don't want to get out of bed.
That is one way to know it is "true love". The best way to know is to be able to share that love with the other person. To be together, grow old together.
Where is the irony of finally, after 47 years finding someone that fits with you. Like a glove. You develop a relationship with him and then realize you have fallen in love with him. Then you lose it. Everyone thinks I am a strong woman, I can handle anything. Today, I am not strong. I am not ok. I need someone to tell me it will be alright. This feeling will go away and I will be able to function again. I guess I need a hug.
Have to go, can't do this right now.

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