Saturday, April 18, 2009

'sIt's saturday afternoon. Drove to Kennedale this morning to check on my mom's house. It's looking much better. Another 2 -3 weeks and we will moving her in.
Been triplet shopping today too. Going to pass on the baby shower and join the Newhouse family for dinner. More my kind of thing. Can't wait to see all the cute baby things they get.
My kid is in Stillwater OK with Baylor baseball team. Tells me he may end up in Oregon for playoffs. What a lucky kids. Gotta pinch myself, I did something right.
The Big Guy is still having a good week. No aggression and a pretty decent mood so far today.
We've been shopping all morning. Came home to plant my tomato's in my greenhouse. Dang that greenhouse is cute and I'm going to have so much fun in it.
Learned something this week, well I already knew but it was confirmed again.
Men, they are so funny. They continue to believe that most younger women "want" to marry an older guy because they love them. Reality is the younger women want a guy to take care of them. What a sad reality. Guess it will never change. Guys are so intimidated by successful, well adjusted women that don't need a man but want a man. I'm telling you, it's the way to go guys. You would get "lucky" alot more often if you tried that route. Younger women will hook you into marrying them and then treat you like a stepchild. Hey guys, if she has kids and let's you sleep over without any regard to what her kids might think, she a golddigger. But doesn't she look good on your arm when you go out in public. Classic. Oh well, that's my gripe for today.
I'll update after the dinner tonight.

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